Email campaigns are a great way to get a message out to your customers and/or prospects. It is a little more private than, say, an advertisement or social media. Using email gives your company a platform for more detail and special promotions. Generally, it's a great pathway to placing a prospect on the discovery path with your company. An email can also be utilized later in the sales cycle as a nurture touch. There are many options for how you use emails, but one thing is for certain--your company should be using them.
We talk about exposure extensively here--mostly, because almost every marketing activity
that you perform, plays a part in your exposure. Your exposure is one of the most critical concepts that a company must embrace, if they want to see results in their marketing program. Email is no exception, especially if you take aggressive steps to grow your email lists. Companies should be sending out tens of thousands of emails monthly. Some
companies have a decent amount of contact collection via subscriber opt in, but truthfully,
we believe that opt out is just as effective. The reason being, is if your company wants to grow. It needs fuel--Contacts are that fuel.
This means that emails (just like AdWords and cold calling) are a numbers game. Once we
understand that, there are strategies that you can use to grow proactively--not just organically. The average open rate on an email blast is around 13.76%, while link clicks are closer to 7.5%. Let's say, you send out 10,000 emails in one round, once a month. That would mean that 1376 people would open and read your email and 103 people would click. You guessed it, all those clicks and opens are leads. After sending out an email, it is best practice to check who opened your emails, who clicked, and who unsubscribed. We can also track down the email address and name of the person that took those actions. Then, this information is able to be exported into an Excel spreadsheet and distributed to your sales team. Email has the potential to be a finely tuned machine to generate leads. The people that opened and clicked are prime for a phone call or a follow up email, a few days later. This gives you 103-1300 people you could be proactively pursuing. Just imagine, if you are sending out emails to 100,000 contacts a month, or sending out multiple email's weekly or biweekly--your sales team has the potential to be incredibly proactive.
Developing and purchasing contact lists is an art, but it can be done in a way that is beneficial to your company. Depending on the level of detail that you are looking for, lists can be very focused and multi-functional. The goal is to provide as many "touches" to the same prospects as possible. When you get phone numbers, email address, physical addresses, contact names, position titles, and a variety of SIC and NIAC code information, your investment into a list can have impact on several different marketing and sales projects. Thus, the low cost is very efficient.
If you are looking to grow your email database and get better exposure in the process, while
supporting your other marketing efforts, buying a contact list is a great, cost effective, investment. One you will be using, for years to come.
For more information on how to get targeted contact lists that actually work,
contact Nesbit Marketing: