Did you know that many companies get a lot of their exposure from creating and sharing content? How much content are you generating every week? Content generation is an important component to a modern marketing program. You have the potential to create engaging, focused, and thoughtful pieces of information for your customers to consume for free.
Let's discuss five ways your company can develop and distribute shareable content, to boost your exposure.
Blog posts
A great place to start generating content is an active blog. A blog post is a creative way of maximizing a company's public thoughts on the internet. These typically house various topics that are relevant to the type of work or product your company handles. Blogs are also a powerful search engine optimization (SEO) tool, doubling as a library of your company's knowledge on a specific topic. An ideal blog post should be between 450-1000 words. They should also contain keywords for your industry, but most importantly--be interesting. The best way to present your blog is not only what you want a customer to know about your company, it should also be focused on what the customer wants to know about you. Better yet, a blog can present your industry. Remember, the goal is thought leadership. Set a goal of at least one blog post a week. Though, to maximize the SEO opportunities of a blog, your company should try to produce closer to five posts a week.
Social Media
Social media platforms are also an amazing opportunity for vast exposure. They are one of the best ways for your company to distribute informational content to your customers or prospects. There are many different ways to utilize social media when it comes to content. Videos, photos, blog posts, and podcasts are all viable forms of content that can be used to educate and drive potential buyers to your website. Each platform you post a piece of content to is considered one piece of content. Creating one piece of shareable content, then posting to five to seven platforms, allows you to get more mileage out of the time you spend generating the materials.
Podcast recordings are a newer way to connect with customers in a very personal way. Because you are recording a person speaking, you may find it easier to regularly and consistently generate content, vs a written blog post. Creating a podcast is very straight forward. A very quiet room and a decent microphone is all you need. Just record a conversation between a host and an industry expert on a topic that is relevant to your listeners and your industry. The industry expert could be a technician, executive, sales leader, or even a person from a partner company that you work with. This is again another thought leadership tactic. The goal is education and exposure.
Emails are a tried and true method of developing and distributing content. Depending on the messages that you want to convey, emails can be short and punchy, or longer and detailed. This will mainly be dependent on your customer and the amount of information they are able--and/or willing to absorb. An easy way to generate an email is to collect all of the other materials that you have developed and include them in a "weekly recap" email. Include links to everything on your website and let the customer drill into the content as they see fit. No matter how you write your emails, you want them to be informative, useful, and creative. Most importantly, you can use your emails to drive traffic to your website.
We saved the best for last. A growing trend with potential for content exposure, is video. Traditionally, you would plan out a video shoot, complete the shoot--then later, edit and post it. While this is still a good long-term strategy, it is somewhat restrictive because it's time consuming. A growing number of companies are capitalizing on the video platform, tik-tok, to check-in or create videos of a person casually speaking to an audience about something update-worthy. For example, if your company gets a new machine, they can use a cellphone to quickly start recording themselves talking about why or how they decided to get that machine. These videos don't require a script, multiple angles, etc. They are intended to be a person talking to their audience. That's it. Once shot, videos are then shared across all social platforms. The preliminary results show massive exposure and engagement. They contain all of the benefits of an elaborate video campaign, with the main difference being the amount of time it takes to get the projects published--a couple of days vs a couple of minutes.
Regardless of the type of content you decide to produce, it is important to always try to develop enough content, so that you are always publishing something. There are so many different ways to get exposure for your brand. Every company should try to reach as many people in an industry as possible. If you have questions about content generation, contact Nesbit Marketing: www.nesbitmarketing.com/contact